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Free course 2024: Merch by Amazon professionalism and making more than 400$ per week:

Free course 2024: Merch by Amazon professionalism and making more than 400$ per week: 

Free course 2024: Merch by Amazon professionalism and making more than 400$ per week:

Introduction about Merch by Amazon: 

Introduction about Merch by Amazon:

We all know that the Merch Amazon platform, known as Merch by Amazon, is one of the best platforms through which you can buy clothes and ready-made products, but recently the Merch Amazon platform opened for all members to design their own clothes and products with flexibility and sell them to consumers from all over the world, and it has become a very effective way to make money from the Internet.

All you have to do is create a good design and Amazon will cost you to print it in a shirt and send it to the customer, not only that, but Amazon will also bring traffic to you! 

Therefore, do not worry if you are a beginner in this field, as we have collected for you a comprehensive guide to everything related to Mersh Amazon from the beginning of introducing this site to those who do not know anything about it until achieving the first 100 sales for you through the platform, just make sure that you read this guide to the end because one piece of information can be the reason for changing your life!

What is Merch By Amazon:

What is Merch By Amazon:

The Mersh by Amazon platform was launched in 2015, and it is a subsidiary of the giant Amazon Foundation, and it is one of the best platforms from which you can buy printed clothes and T-shirts, and it has a very huge demand from all age groups, but what is new that Mersh by Amazon offers is that it opens the way for T-shirt designers to win, so that you display their products on the platform, and sell them to consumers all over the world with a very good profit.

It should be noted that this topic is completely free for the seller, so there will be no costs to upload a design on any product on the site, all you have to do is upload the design and choose the product, as well as you will start to determine the colors and determine the price.

As for determining the price, you will determine your profit margin according to the quality of the design from your point of view completely, so no one controls the price except you, as Mersh Amazon will impose on you the cost of the raw product and will leave you the price box available until you add the required profit margin to the price.

But you can design more than 100 designs and do not sell any single sale and this is due to poor choice and misuse of the site as we will teach you how to choose the right product and design that achieves sales and after choosing the right design and product, leave the rest on Mersh Amazon regarding customer service, collecting money from customers or calculating profits and sending it to you.

What are the basics you need to know before starting Amazon T-shirt design and the most important courses:

During the waiting period until you are accepted into Mersh Amazon, you can learn some basic programs that you need to start working, which are design programs.

When we talk about design programs, you will find hundreds of programs, but there are no better programs than Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator.

But these programs need experience in dealing with them and you can try programs for beginners such as Free TSHIRT Maker, but I advise you to take the difficult path, which is the professional path and follow the learning of these programs Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator, or only one of them is enough for you.

We will offer you an integrated course about Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, which is completely free and suitable for beginners and intermediate in design, and you can download it through this link, which is provided by our site Skill Spot: 

Click here

What will you learn from this course « Merch By Amazon » ?

What will you learn from this course « Merch By Amazon » ?

In this course, you'll learn how to succeed in Amazon's popular print on demand program: Merch by Amazon, from a 200,000-level seller making sales over seven figures on the world's No. 1 e-commerce website, in my courses I will not leave any side uncovered You will learn exactly how to spot trends such as the trend that made me $700 in one day, how to find sustainable domains (using free and paid tools), design tips, and much more.

  • Module 1 – Introduction to the course
  • Module 2 – Research Domains (Free Tools) – Ryan's Method – Print on Demand Research
  • Module 3 – Design Process – Ryan Method – Print on Demand Design
  • Module 4 – Create your product listing in Merch by Amazon
  • Module 4 – Breakdown of Strategy by Level
  • Module 5 – Advertising on Amazon (AMS)
  • Module 6 – Marketing for Local Business
  • Module 7 – Beyond Merch by Amazon

Steps to download Merch by Amazon course for free: 

  1. Click on Download Course 
  2. **NB : Complete one of the offers and you will be redirected directly to download the Course for free from MEGA.

10 important tips to increase sales per month on Mersh by Amazon:

10 important tips to increase sales per month on Mersh by Amazon:


At the beginning of your work on Mersh Amazon, you can use some external help, and this is through many sites that offer you ready-made T-shirt designs, such as customers of Free Lancer sites such as Khamsat, Independent, Free Lancer, Upwork, and many more.

When you buy these designs from them, you will sell them until you get a refund, but the most important point is that you will learn from them the designs and will increase the awareness of the design and the extent of your imagination in the design industry market.

For example, if you want a picture of a phone on a T-shirt, you will ask the customer to prepare this image for you, then enter and compare it to what you imagined and try to gradually improve the design.

But always ask highly rated and reputable customers at Free Lancer sites to guarantee the result.

Price control is one of the most important selling points in Mersh Amazon:

Always put yourself in the buyer's shop, when there is a high-quality T-shirt and impressive design at an average price, he will not hesitate to buy, but if the price is high, he will start comparing it with lower products. So always put an average price with high-end designs, you will find a very high percentage of sales at the end of the month, and when you calculate the difference, you will find that large sales with an average price are better than a few sales with a high price.

Brand your products:

If you want to make your name strongly in Mersh Amazon, try to have a fixed brand, such as attaching a specific mark to all designs, as well as attaching a word such as your name, company name, or trade name to you with the description and title.

The title is one of the most important factors in the forefront of the Amazon Merch:

Using a title that contains the descriptive keyword for the image or design is one of the most important factors that help you appear on the initial search pages of Amazon Mersh, and make it easier for the customer to reach you.

You should also choose a title that describes the product accurately, because when the title is long, the search will be more accurate and the competition will be much less.

For example, the word cat you will find more than 10,000 searches and huge competition, but the word black cat you will find the competition has decreased, but when you use a longer and more accurate title, such as small black cat, you will find that the competition has fallen to a quarter or less.

Product Description:

The product description should be very accurate for the buyer, but you will find that almost all T-shirts and products are of the same material and quality and will have the same description.

But you can take advantage of the description by typing keywords in it, but in sentences and not individual words, this will increase the rate of your product's appearance in Google, Bing and other search engines.

Write 4 or 5 sentences in a product description and add a keyword or synonym in each sentence.

Increasing the number of designs will increase the number of sales at Mersh Amazon: 

The number of designs is one of the main factors that increase the number of sales of your account in Mersh Amazon, and it can be imagined with a real store with 10 types of clothes and another with only two types, so certainly the first store will sell multiples of the second store.

Always review your account and see the reports so you can decide which designs should be canceled and replaced and which should continue.

Be Trendy:

You must take into account the market, time and fashion while publishing pictures of your own designs, everyone is looking for designs that live up to the world of market and fashion

Designs do not have to be full of colors, but they can be very simple, and achieve very large sales.

Event Tracking:

You should follow the occasions in order to achieve the highest percentage of sales in Mersh Amazon, for example, when Valentine's Day comes, you can upload designs associated with love and in colors that match Valentine's Day.

Certainly, you target the Western public, so you also follow their holidays, such as Father's Day and Halloween, so you can make huge profits from them because the search rate in that period is high for the forest.

Create and promote your own store:

You should not wait for sales from Amazon only, but you can create your own store or a landing page for your product, then work on improving SEO for this store and publishing the store in different sites and groups on various social media that are interested in your product field.

As well as you can target your audience accurately through funded ads on social media, and certainly ads will cost you money but will be a small percentage of the profit you will earn.

Be patient and never get bored:

At first, it can be difficult for you to be able to make large profits from Mersh Amazon, and it may take a long time to sell your first design.

But you should be extremely patient, especially if you are a beginner, because it will take a while to learn the market well and be able to target products and keywords accurately.

You can see the experiences of many people making thousands of dollars from Amazon Mersh on YouTube and that will be a very strong motivation to become as successful as them.

Steps to achieve the first 100 sales in Mersh Amazon:

Steps to achieve the first 100 sales in Mersh Amazon:

You can follow some basic steps until you start making sales and get the first 100 sales, and they are in order:

  1. Search for the best exclusive designs such as a specific player celebration, for example, COLE PALMER or an important event, and design more than one high-end design without commercial rights.
  2. Search for your competitors in this design and spy on them until you know the keywords they use, as well as the amount of their sales and the prices of their products so that you can compete with them.
  3. Analyze the keywords you have collected, compare the results, and make a list of the best keywords you will use.
  4. Upload the design, attach keywords in the title and description sentences, select fashionable colors, and set a competitive price with opponents.
  5. Do not stop at one design, follow the same steps as before for 10 different designs and upload them to your store on Mersh Amazon.
  6. Create your own landing page or sub-store and improve its SEO.
  7. Post your site on various social media pages and promotion sites.
  8. After following these steps, you will find yourself making sales that you did not imagine, but the most important factor is time, so do not rush to profit, it is coming, but with time.

Also, if you want us to make another comprehensive guide in which we explain to you some advanced technologies to sell in Mersh Amazon in huge quantities of +10.000 if you are interested, all you have to do is write a comment with it "I want the second part of the Merch by Amazon course".

Good luck to you!


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